Body Kind Yoga

We All Begin Somewhere

So here goes my first musing. I’d like to dedicate it to the first time I realized yoga was for me.

Picture me, in 2017. I was living in Xi’an, China, teaching English to kids. I was stressed and overworked. With Asia right at my back door, I decided to spend my holiday exploring the mystical Angkor Watt, followed by a 10 day yoga retreat at a center called Hariharalaya (many blessings to Joel Altman and the rest of the family there!).

Angkor Watt and Cambodia as a whole is beautiful, a reminder of what really matters:

Happiness, no matter what you have, or don’t.

From the ruins of temples that were once covered in rubies, emeralds and diamonds, to the outpouring of generosity and kindness shown to me by people who had very little, I came to a realization that my outlook needed to change. What I cared about was just superficial.

10 days of reflections, yoga, meditation and no phone showed me just that. What does really matter?

Well, the first thing that hit me like a ton of bricks was that ANYBODY CAN PRACTICE YOGA.


Images of skinny, white women doing one-handed handstands in front of an idyllic view suddenly were irrelevant and my whitewashed opinion of what yoga is turned out to be a big fat lie.

Cue the Hallelujah chorus, complete with cherubs emerging from the sky holding banners and playing trumpets.

Cambodia, 2017.

Amongst the friendships, the delicious vegan food, the laughter and the relaxation, I discovered the following things for myself:

And from there, I had my personal practice set up, and I started my journey. Yoga became my escape from the stress and long hours of teaching kids. I took holidays that involved wellness, and by 2019, a light bulb dinged over my head. I didn’t want to teach English forever, so what if I could teach yoga? Inspire people like me, and work against western societal expectations of what a yogi is. Hell yes!

“We need to put different images in the forefront so that people of all types can see themselves in the practice of yoga.”

Dianne Bondy

Fast forward through an eventful beginning of 2020, escaping China only to get stuck in India. But, I was totally ok with this, my lockdown was my yoga teacher training, in the foothills of the Himalayas at Sattva Yoga Academy. What I thought was yoga was so much more!

It was 2 months of having my mind blown and the very foundations of my morals were rebuilt. Years of emotional trauma I had buried deep inside myself and hid behind depression and anxiety were brought to the surface, and I was given the tools to face them and let them go. I am convinced I left emotional baggage the size of an elephant behind!

Now, again fast forwarding to the present, I am learning to live in my life before yoga, in the UK, with my new yogi self. I won’t lie and say it’s a walk in the park, the pandemic particularly has added another layer of difficulties, but wouldn’t life be boring if it was easy?

I’ll be posting all sorts on here in the future. They might be personal thoughts, tips and tricks about Yoga, or some wisdom from the Himalayas.

Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy what I’m sharing with you all.

Thank you for coming along with me on this journey.

Natalie 💕🙏🏻

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